If you're an individual or part of a family, the "No Greater Love" project offers you a unique opportunity to be part of a nationwide movement to rekindle faith and unity.

It's a chance to share your beliefs with your community, connect with neighbors and friends, and foster a deeper sense of purpose.

Your participation can lead to meaningful conversations about faith, action, and creating a ripple effect of change in your neighborhood. This project is about you being an active agent in the transformation of your community, one house at a time.

You don't need to be an evangelist to participate. You just need a heart for sharing your faith and a willingness to build connections with others.

What’s Next?

  1. Sign up to host a house party during the project week. It's a simple but impactful way to engage with your community and introduce them to the message of Jesus.

  2. Gather your friends, family, and neighbors, and take the first step toward a more faith-filled and united community.

Together, let's ignite the spiritual flame in your community.