Partner through prayer.

Prayer paves the way

Prayer is a foundational pillar of the "No Greater Love" project.

We believe that through the power of collective and focused prayer, we can seek divine guidance, blessings, and intervention in every aspect of this initiative. As partners through prayer, your role is pivotal in ensuring the success of this project.

We invite you to join us in prayer, uniting our hearts and voices as we seek God's wisdom, strength, and grace.

Prayer Points

  1. Equipping Believers in Every County: Pray for the successful equipping of believers in all 3,143 counties. Ask for God's guidance in the training and empowerment of individuals and families to confidently share their faith.

  2. Mobilizing Laborers for Gospel Sharing: Pray for the mobilization of laborers in all 3,142 counties to host house parties and facilitate film screenings. Seek divine support for these laborers as they become agents of spiritual change in their communities.

  3. Strengthening Local Churches and Networks: Pray for unity and strength in local churches, networks, teams, and ministries. Ask for God's blessings in the collaboration among believers, ensuring that local-focused laborers can make a lasting impact.

  4. Ongoing Mentoring and Discipleship: Pray for the multiplication of disciples in every county, as cooperation and collaboration continue. Seek divine wisdom in sustaining the momentum of faith and growth in communities.

  5. Vision and Impact: Pray for the vision and impact of the "No Greater Love" project. Ask for God's guidance in ensuring that this initiative creates a lasting transformation in individuals, families, and communities, drawing them closer to Jesus.

Your partnership through prayer is a powerful force that can move mountains and partner with Christ and His will for our country. Together, we can create space for a spiritual revival that transcends boundaries and spreads the message of Jesus to every corner of the United States.